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Our Mission

Created in honor of our One Hundredth Anniversary, The Szawlowski Farms Agricultural Foundation funds scholarships and other agricultural charities within the Connecticut River Valley growing region of Massachusetts. Our mission is to help ensure that agriculture remains vital and that good stewardship of the land continues to be a priority in the beautiful Connecticut River Valley.

In 2011, we granted our first scholarship to a local high school graduate who continued his education at the University of Massachusetts’ Stockbridge School of Agriculture. Since 2011, we have awarded nine additional scholarships to promising young farmers from area high schools. In addition, we support many local non-profit programs in the schools in our area. In 2013, we also pledged support for the creation of the new University of Massachusetts Agricultural Learning Center.

Our goal is to sustain the future of farming in Western Massachusetts. With your help, we will continue in this endeavor in the years ahead, while maintaining the fertility of our fields and preserving the fruitfulness of our farms.



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